Thursday 16 January 2014

We've been lazy ....

Hello! It's been ages, I hope you still remember me.

Let's see, what has happened over the past 5 months or so?
We went to Krabi in August 2013, and had a blast with the sun, sand and sea. Oh, and a baby elephant too.

    Sometime in early December, mommy got a pretty little teacher called Cikgu Ain to teach me Malay at home.
    She lasted exactly one session, and never came back for reasons never disclosed to me. 
    I thought she liked me, I mean she let me sit on her lap for half the time whilst we argued that the animal below was a chicken, not ayam.
    It was time to say goodbye to Mrs Liza, who was transferred to another PnJ (miss you Mrs Liza!), and also my friends Charlotte, Mahsa, Miya and Bou You.
    It's been fun guys!  
    My cartoon preference has changed from Dora The Explorer to Jake and the Neverland Pirates to Little Einsteins and my current favourite, the Octonauts!
    It's amazing how little adults know about sea creatures like the elephant seal, mimic octopus or the colossal squid.
    My coloring skills have improved. And I honestly think all animals should be rainbow colored.

And I finally turned 4 on 29 December 2013!
First I crashed Hanna's 12th birthday party on 28 December :-)
Thanx for letting me join! xoxoxo 
On the day itself I knocked myself out with the rides as Paradigm Mall ...

Then I had the birthday celebration at CDC, my daycare place - thanx teachers and fwiends! While you may have no use of the Minions lanyard, mommy thinks maybe you'd like to pretend to have access card and play office sometimes.
And today I shared a party with May Thu and Asahi at PnJ.
 Yummy cakes!
Me and Asahi

Birthday girls!
Some new faces at PnJ - Jin Heng, Emy and Adrienne with Aiman waiting for the cake
Sweet lil Giselle
Emy before and after marshmallows

Asahi's super cute baby sister Hikari
With my mates Daniel and Miyako
Happy faces - Emy, Chloe and Daniel!
After all that cake and sugar, we were advised to burn them off at the playground - yippee!!!
All in all, a great day indeed!
To my bestest teacher Miss Adrina ...

xoxoxo RAZ

Monday 5 August 2013

Eid Mubarak 2013

Hi everyone! Guess what, Hari Raya is just around the corner!

So the adults survived another Ramadhan - good on them!
Although mommy looks like this more often than not ...

As for me, I am still under age six. No fasting required.

School holidays started a week ago, and last day was fun because we had a party for early Hari Raya, last day of school and Ayano's last day before she returns to Japan. Will miss you Ayano!

But the highlight HAS to be the red spots that mysteriously appeared on my tummy and back. After turning me upside down to check me 500 times, mommy diagnosed it as chicken pox.
Well, nothing chickenly about them at all, but they sure made me all itchee and scratchee.
Yeah, I was a lot like that.

Anyhoo, Hari Raya is just around the corner and I hope I do not scare people away with me red spots.
Hm, or maybe that would be a good weapon for some undesirable people who think my cheeks are made for pinching.

Regardless, I sure am looking forward to the things typical for the celebration, like:

1. Wearing baju kurung - yeay!

2. Ketupat - rice cooked in woven coconut leaves (you know, like Bottega bags?)  

3. Raya cookies - notice 3 out of 4 of the cookies in the picture are pineapple jam tarts.
We never ever grow tired of them, do we?

4. Duit raya! Money kept in green packets and given out to kids
- but I accept online transfers *wink*

5. Sparkles - the sulphuric smell of the smoke,
and the fact that they burn out before you can even blink 

But of course, the main reason for all the travelling and enduring the outrageous jam on the highways ...

6. Seeing the family
- the grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, second cousins, nephews and nieces
(yes, I was born an aunt, which makes mommy a grandma, which totally proves that age is just a number heheh)  

So to my teachers and mates at CDC - Selamat Hari Raya and thank you for the card and duit raya, sorry I couldn't join you guys or we would ALL have red spots for Raya :-)

To my teachers at Peter and Jane Miss Adrina, Miss Sity and Mrs Liza, and my mates Aiman and Daniel - Selamat Hari Raya!

To my Other PnJ mates Happy Holidays, missing you guys heaps!

Take care and be safe.
Love love, R.A.Z

Monday 22 July 2013

Wishes and weekend getaways

Happy Monday everyone!

2 weeks back we celebrated Tanabata - a day of making wishes on tanzakus and hanging them on bamboo trees.

This year is more meaningful than last year because I clearly know what I want and I know how to say it :-)

For your further action, papa and mommy:  

We made pretty decorations and hung them up on the bamboo tree.

And my mates were dressed in their beautiful traditional constumes
( I outgrew the red costume Kana gave me last year or I would've looked the part too!).

Ayano, Mahsa, Miyako and Mia looking splendidly colorful!
Suzuha is pretty in purple :-)

I came as myself, of course - a self-proclaimed princess haha
 Thank you to the teachers and mommies who made the celebration a success!

On Saturday we checked into a hotel for a short break.
Guess what, this time it was a different hotel! (finally).

The hotel grounds was awesome!
It had lots of greens and flowers ...

Ponds full of hungry fishies ...

And for some strange reason the outdoors made me feel nerdy yet acrobatic.

Here kitty kitty ...

Me with my papa.

 But the highlight of the stay had to be the pool! On a hot Sunday morning, whoo hoo!

Aack! Water!

Ahh ... bliss ...

Attempting the hula ..

Oopsie-daisie ...

We had a great stay - would love to come again, Bangi Equitorial! ;-)

To all Muslims, though we're halfway through, have a blessed Ramadhan, Selamat Berpuasa!

Love, R.A.Z