Monday 22 July 2013

Wishes and weekend getaways

Happy Monday everyone!

2 weeks back we celebrated Tanabata - a day of making wishes on tanzakus and hanging them on bamboo trees.

This year is more meaningful than last year because I clearly know what I want and I know how to say it :-)

For your further action, papa and mommy:  

We made pretty decorations and hung them up on the bamboo tree.

And my mates were dressed in their beautiful traditional constumes
( I outgrew the red costume Kana gave me last year or I would've looked the part too!).

Ayano, Mahsa, Miyako and Mia looking splendidly colorful!
Suzuha is pretty in purple :-)

I came as myself, of course - a self-proclaimed princess haha
 Thank you to the teachers and mommies who made the celebration a success!

On Saturday we checked into a hotel for a short break.
Guess what, this time it was a different hotel! (finally).

The hotel grounds was awesome!
It had lots of greens and flowers ...

Ponds full of hungry fishies ...

And for some strange reason the outdoors made me feel nerdy yet acrobatic.

Here kitty kitty ...

Me with my papa.

 But the highlight of the stay had to be the pool! On a hot Sunday morning, whoo hoo!

Aack! Water!

Ahh ... bliss ...

Attempting the hula ..

Oopsie-daisie ...

We had a great stay - would love to come again, Bangi Equitorial! ;-)

To all Muslims, though we're halfway through, have a blessed Ramadhan, Selamat Berpuasa!

Love, R.A.Z 

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