Thursday 13 September 2012

My Daily Weekday Routine

  • 6.30 Rise and shine! Open eyes, feel for comfort pillow or mommy. If neither is available, SCREAM!
  • 6.31 Mommy rushes out from shower. Request for milk. Drink milk and toss bottle to nearest target
  • 6.50 Barge into Wan's room and interrupt her prayers. Climb on papa and kiss him wherever reachable
  • 6.55 Big ceremonious procession heading downstairs, toys, pillows and milk bottles included

  • 7.00   Start playing catch with mommy to avoid shower
  • 7.10   Mommy finally wins. Sit on toilet for mommy to:
    • wash my feet;
    • brush my teeth;
    • shampoo my hair; and
    • cover me in soap and rinse me off (strictly in that order)
  • 7.15   Play catch with mommy again to avoid wearing diapers and uniform
  • 7.25   Finally dressed. Drink water and take neccessary supplements

  • 7.35   Kiss papa again. Leave for kindy. Watch cars, hold on to dear life at corners, ask for cookies ... YUM!
  • 8.05   Reach kindy. Take own sweet time to get off car, chase cat and birds, and cross drains
  • 8.10   Mommy leaves. Kindy starts!
  • 10.30 Morning break ... YUM!
  • 12.30 Kindy official hours over. Have lunch ... YUM! and playtime with friends and teachers

  • 2.30   Mommy picks up to go to daycare.
  • 2.45   Reach daycare. Insist on being carried to the sleeping area. Have a snooze

  • 3.15   Wake up, bathe and tea time ... zzz ... YUM!
  • 6.30   Mommy picks up - time to go home!
  • 6.50   *yawn* still in the car ...  
  • 7.10   Reach home. Mommy packs for tomorrow. Barge into Wan's room and interrupt her prayers and then continue at the dining table hee hee
  • 7.45   Play catch with mommy to avoid shower again 
  • 8.00   Have me time showering, YEAY! (extend as much as possible, insist on brushing teeth, more soap, bathing the crocodile and flushing the toilet)

8.20   Dinner ... YUM!

  • 8.45   Big ceremonious procession heading upstairs, toys, pillows and milk bottles included
  • 9.00   Settle down in Wan's room. Drink milk. Zzz ...
  • 11.00 Look for mommy. Kiss papa and be kissed. Ask for milk. Continue sleeping in mommy's room. Zzz ...

See you tomorrow, brand new day!

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