Tuesday 26 March 2013

Spring Break 2013

Hello! We had our last day of school party for the 2012/2013 school year on 15 March 2013!
It was filled with fun, goodbyes, food, song and dance, in that order :) 

I'm sure gonna miss my P&J friends for one whole month!
Miyako and Suzuha
Johann the little lion
Ella and her baby dolls

Mrs Catherine came to do the graduation ceremony for Rina, who has completed kindy and is going back to Japan. She has always been the kind and helpful big sister, so we shall miss her terribly!
Me giving Rina one last hug
Rina and her BFF Ayano. See how cool they look in black?

Rina laden with gifts hehee

Happy graduation!
Wish you were here Mayuko!

Cavan was also leaving for Mandarin school.

After the Auld Lang Syne, it was food time!  
Healthy section
More healthy stuff - Ekameme the interesting looking Japanese beans
Yummy lychee jellies!
Sweet tooth section
Mommy promoting tooth decay + sugar highs

 Naturally after all that yummy stuff, it was time to sweat it out!
To all my P&J friends, have a good holidays and see you in April!
xoxoxo R.A.Z.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

This is how you ...

Ride on a slide

Fight for your right to procrastinate

Convince people you have the potential to study botany

Travel in comfort and style 
Chill out with the cool girls - all on our own
Photo from Miss Adrina's FB

Outrun a toddler hee hee *peace Aiman*
Photo from Miss Adrina's FB

Find peace - it's always right there at your fingertips :D  
Photo from Miss Adrina's FB

See you later!
xoxoxo R.A.Z 

Friday 8 March 2013

What a girl wants, what a girl needs ...

As a busy little pre-schooler, I have to divide my schedule to cater for:

1. Friends - socialization is best lesson
Never be afraid to face the world even if it's rushing towards you.
Photo borrowed from Miss Anne's FB.

Always up for a cuddle - me and Suzuha getting ready for the Field Trip

Friends aspire you to reach greater heights - I can't wait to be as tall as them

2. Family - always remember where you come from
Thank you Auntie Leen for dropping by! xoxoxo

3. Nature - Mother Nature loves us. So love her back
My my, what a yummy looking hibiscus

4. Intellectual discussions - you gotta keep those brain cells connected
This is what I will give you to splurge on toys this month ...

Deal sealed! Go on Wan, sign on the dotted line hee hee

To balance my hectic schedule, I unwind by:

1. Helping myself to a huge serving of ice cream
Will you look at that beauty!
Say aaaahhhh ...

Ooohohoho ....

Good to the last drop!

2. Go on joyrides to let off steam and watch the world swirl by  

3. Undergo beauty procedures to maintain presentable appearance

After - hey, I can see clearly now!

4. Having some ME time with Mike the Knight

5. And not forgetting the essential beauty sleep

Here's to the weekend, have fun!