Friday 10 May 2013

Happy Mommy's Day!

We had an early celebration of Mommy's Day at Peter and Jane yesterday.
The theme was Batik.

The day started with Mrs Katherine talking about our mommies busy schedule and how we can best accommodate to that.

She also said we should hug our mommies often so that they will not be mad at us.
Not a problem :-D

Then she explained how we came into this world.
They showed funny pictures and mommy unsuccessfully tried to convince me that I was like that too.
Nope, not buying that at all.

They even pointed to Asahi's mommy who had a round belly in a desperate effort to prove their case.
Looks pretty tight to be squeezing in there. Still not buying their story.

Well, scientific, unbelievable stories aside, we had fun singing and dancing with our mommies and friends' mommies and all the teachers. The K1 and K2 kids even sang a Malay song!

We all made gifts for our mommies - a bling-bling mirror.

And of course the mandatory agenda in any celebration, yummy food time!
Me enjoying nasi minyak with Auntie Lynn.

Another fun celebration, thanx to my teachers Miss Adrina, Miss Siti and Mrs Liza, and of course Mrs Katherine and her team!

For all mommies reading this, Happy Mommy's Day!
On behalf of your pre-schoolers, we love you no matter how much mess we make, or tantrums we throw.
To make this year's Mommy's Day the best ever, it is proposed that you buy your kids toys, candy and balloons, yeay!

Have a good Mommy's Day!

Love hugs and kisses,

Thursday 9 May 2013

Happy birthday papa!

This happened yesterday ...

(In mommy's car, on the way back from school)
Raelene: What is that, mommy?
Mommy: That is papa's birthday present. His birthday is tomorrow.
Raelene: I want to open! I want to open!
Mommy: But that is papa's present-
Raelene: I want! I want!
Mommy: Okay, but tomorrow, okay? On his birthday? Not today, alright? It's a surprise.
Raelene: Ok-kay!

(Later that evening, at home)
Papa: Cakk! Papa is backk.

Oh well, what difference is a few hours going to make, right?
Plus papa is so special he has 2 birthdays - that's solid 48 hours for mommy and I to sing happy birthday to him ...

So we celebrated it last nite with lots of love and hugs and kisses hee hee.
My big wet birthday kiss to papa!

My first present ever to papa :D

To my dearest papa, you will always be my ...

Tiger Woods ...

Banker and financial planner ...

Iron Man ...

but most of all, you are the ...

(as much as I will be your world's greatest daughter, of course ;-D)

Mommy and I love you and will always, always, always love you!

xoxoxo R.A.Z