Thursday 9 May 2013

Happy birthday papa!

This happened yesterday ...

(In mommy's car, on the way back from school)
Raelene: What is that, mommy?
Mommy: That is papa's birthday present. His birthday is tomorrow.
Raelene: I want to open! I want to open!
Mommy: But that is papa's present-
Raelene: I want! I want!
Mommy: Okay, but tomorrow, okay? On his birthday? Not today, alright? It's a surprise.
Raelene: Ok-kay!

(Later that evening, at home)
Papa: Cakk! Papa is backk.

Oh well, what difference is a few hours going to make, right?
Plus papa is so special he has 2 birthdays - that's solid 48 hours for mommy and I to sing happy birthday to him ...

So we celebrated it last nite with lots of love and hugs and kisses hee hee.
My big wet birthday kiss to papa!

My first present ever to papa :D

To my dearest papa, you will always be my ...

Tiger Woods ...

Banker and financial planner ...

Iron Man ...

but most of all, you are the ...

(as much as I will be your world's greatest daughter, of course ;-D)

Mommy and I love you and will always, always, always love you!

xoxoxo R.A.Z

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