Wednesday 16 May 2012

Happy Teacher's Day!

To all my teachers, here's a very big THANK YOU from me!!!

Have a great day to Miss Adrina, Miss Anne and Miss Yann Ling of Peter & Jane, and teachers Rini, Qila, Mas, Siti, Erma, Sarah, Murni and everyone at CDC!

Thank you for putting up with my morning tantrums, afternoon tantrums, evening tantrums, toilet training hiccups, spilt milk, oopsies, shrieking, smacking, defiance and everything only a 2-year-old could pack in a few hours of school.

Thank you for teaching me speak in English and Malay, count (ok consistently only up to 14 so far), name colors, remember Japanese names, recite the doa makan (mmm ok not yet, but i get the idea) and life skills like washing dishes and wiping the table (Wan is starting to find this REALLY handy).

Oh, and also thank you for putting up with my mommy and her never-ending requests. She appreciates you guys more than she would like to show heheh.  

Not forgetting the grannies - Wan, Tok Mak and Tok Ayah - no wonder you guys speak loudly and repeat things a lot.

I hope I would grow up smart and do you proud!

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