Friday 4 May 2012

Meet The Grannies

My mommy and papa are teachers' children. Which is why they turn out rather skema-ish, but of course they think they are so happening.

This is me at about 8 months with papa's  mommy and papa.

My Tok Mak, Cikgu Zaharah, me and my outrageously chubby hands 

My Tok Ayah, Cikgu Ridzuan and some spiky haired kid

This is mommy's mommy, whom I call Wan. When I first learnt how to count, I confused her with a number :)

Cikgu Maznah and me.

See you tomorrow Tok Mak and Tok Ayah!
See you after school, Wan. Looking forward to annoy you at the dining table :D

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