Wednesday 30 January 2013

We love public holidays

Being a multi-racial, multi-religion country, Malaysia is blessed with HEAPS of public holidays.

In January we have the Maulidur Rasul (birthday of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) and Thaipusam celebrations, and in February I will be on a week-long break for Chinese New Year, woo hoo hoo! Oh and the folks in the Federal Territories will get to enjoy FT day on 1st February too.

Although we didn't go anywhere far during the breaks, we chilled out quite a bit.

This is what I've been up to:

Attended Maulidur Rasul celebration in daycare
Everyone wore this same tudung for the photoshoot.
I sure hope I didn't catch any lice.
Appointed myself as the Head of Department at mommy's office
Now, any questions on your deliverables for 2013?

Visited the doggies at Empire
That is one feisty pug I tell you
I think the Pomeranian and Pekingise are dating.

And the fishies at Amcorp Mall

Satisfied my appetite for speed
Whoa this one's got GPS!

My favourite car - it shakes and rattles the most

And this must be my 200th picture with Mr Paddington hee hee

And watched the world go by from a distance ...

Followed Wan to the doctor coz she got the sniffles ...

And acting all fashionista about it

Discovered a new instrument to bang on
I insist that is is a xylosound, mommy, NOT xylophone.
Because it makes sounds, not calls.
And finally, got me a new friend to cuddle!
Ted! Complete with brows and apron!

Happy February everyone!
Love, RAZ

Friday 18 January 2013

Partying on!

Hi everyone! It's been a while hasn't it? I started school again after a 2-week break, and the normal routine resumed.

We are doing our evaluations now with Miss Adrina, because the parents are coming next month for the report card day! *ulp*

To relieve the stress from the assessments, we had a party today, yeay! The party was for December - January babies, and I turned out to be the only one this time around ;D.

This was the 3rd party for my 3rd birthday. Imagine if the concept of a party for each year was applied to Wan, she would spend 17% of 2013 celebrating her birthday hee hee.

The Menu:
Due to mommy's lack of culinary skills, we had simple kiddies food for the party - cake and nuggets (a big thank you to Auntie Jo for entertaining the last minute requests :)), and jellies courtesy of Wan.

However the highlight of it all has got to be these - fruit kebobs prepared especially by papa!
In case you were wondering, papa, yes you are the coolest for sticking the strawberries, marshmallows, blueberries and grapes (in whatever order you so wished) for my party!

Agenda #1: Candle-blowing and cake cutting
My friends (and Uncle Wierra) sang Happy Birthday to me - thank you guys!

Agenda#2: Eating time!
Waitressing was a part of the celebration.


Digging in! Thank you to Mahsa's mommy for the yummy jelly and balloons too!

Sugar sure makes us hap-peeee!

Charlotte with marshmallow in her hair hee hee 

Agenda#3: Hugging time!
Me getting some love from Suzuha, Miyako, Tomoya, Kana, Hiroto and Charlotte :-)

Agenda#4: Celebration adjourned 
 The class waving mommy and Wan bye-bye

A very big thank you Miss Adrina and friends for making the party a blast!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

My 3rd Birthday Bash

Happy 2013 everyone!

Let us start this new year by (still) celebrating my 3rd birthday.

You see, being born just 3 days before the year's end has both cool and not so cool parts to it.

What's cool
Most of the time you would still be the baby among your peers, and you could probably get away with not mastering a milestone for your age (yet), or kick up a little fuss every now and then.

However, if you do something nice, you would be complimented because you are still "a baby".

For some strange reason, most adults love being young. Hmm.

What's not quite cool
Having to go through ALL your friends' birthday at kindy and daycare before yours actually arrives!

So sometimes when I'd had enough, I made mommy sing Happy Birthday to me in June. Or every month prior to December for that matter.

Oh also when some adults say, poor thing, she just turned 3 and she's already into her 4th year of life!

Anyways, you can't choose your birthday, and trust me the month you were born in wouldn't matter when you are well into your 30's.

Anyways I FINALLY celebrated MY OWN BIRTHDAY at daycare, yippee!
Thomas wished me Happy Birthday, woo hoo!

Venue of the party - CDC dining hall

Having little butterflies in my tummy before the event started

Saying grace before digging in

A tribute to me! Thank you Teacher Erma and CDC for the prezzie

Ahh, cake cutting.
About time.

I guess I may not want all this attention after all ...

View from my birthday cake - now I know what my friends are more interested in, haha! Teacher Shila too! 

Oh, Thomas was yummy! No regrets having to mutilate him :)

After a bit more cake I got less uncomfortable ...
And after yet some more cake, yeay! Maybe all this festivities is not so bad after all!

After that I did the politician thing and gave out party packs to my friends.
We got all confused as to who should kiss who's hand, and some older kids ended up kissing my hand, and me kissing some younger kid's hand. Ah, well.

Zafran was a little cranky and wouldn't budge from his seat to take the party pack.

So I went to him and gave him a hug too!

Well he wasn't significantly happier but that'll do heheh.

So that was it for my very own birthday party in school.
Thank you teachers at CDC for helping organize the event, and thank you friends for the party and company!
Hope you liked the candies and the balloons!

Just a little something I did at CDC with my girls Anis and Alya - we believe cats do come in a vast array of colors. Green included.

Have a lovely day everyone!
xoxoxo RAZ