Friday 18 January 2013

Partying on!

Hi everyone! It's been a while hasn't it? I started school again after a 2-week break, and the normal routine resumed.

We are doing our evaluations now with Miss Adrina, because the parents are coming next month for the report card day! *ulp*

To relieve the stress from the assessments, we had a party today, yeay! The party was for December - January babies, and I turned out to be the only one this time around ;D.

This was the 3rd party for my 3rd birthday. Imagine if the concept of a party for each year was applied to Wan, she would spend 17% of 2013 celebrating her birthday hee hee.

The Menu:
Due to mommy's lack of culinary skills, we had simple kiddies food for the party - cake and nuggets (a big thank you to Auntie Jo for entertaining the last minute requests :)), and jellies courtesy of Wan.

However the highlight of it all has got to be these - fruit kebobs prepared especially by papa!
In case you were wondering, papa, yes you are the coolest for sticking the strawberries, marshmallows, blueberries and grapes (in whatever order you so wished) for my party!

Agenda #1: Candle-blowing and cake cutting
My friends (and Uncle Wierra) sang Happy Birthday to me - thank you guys!

Agenda#2: Eating time!
Waitressing was a part of the celebration.


Digging in! Thank you to Mahsa's mommy for the yummy jelly and balloons too!

Sugar sure makes us hap-peeee!

Charlotte with marshmallow in her hair hee hee 

Agenda#3: Hugging time!
Me getting some love from Suzuha, Miyako, Tomoya, Kana, Hiroto and Charlotte :-)

Agenda#4: Celebration adjourned 
 The class waving mommy and Wan bye-bye

A very big thank you Miss Adrina and friends for making the party a blast!

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