Monday 1 July 2013

Bits and pieces, here and there ...

Hello everyone! We've been quiet lately, haven't we?

Well, I had quite a lot to do actually - hope you like the pics!

The Malay Wedding
Fact: We attended a wedding in Seremban.
Conclusion: Wedding means eating a lot with lots of other people under tents in the heat of the afternoon. 

Balik kampung
It is durian season in Rembau and we managed to get two fruits - one already half eaten.
Obviously the monkeys got there first.
Kim, maksu's cat likes to drink straight from the source
Maksu has a new golden swing!
And my pillow has a new cover, courtesy of pasar malam Rembau :-)
Riding day at PnJ
I miraculously learned how to ride the bike after one day of playing in school, yeay!
Check out my friends' rides woo hoo!
 Theme Day at PnJ - Transport
Ta-daaa! Me reunited with Thomas my old love
Mrs Liza fixing my mate's box car
Johann and Ella's last day  
My farewell card to Johann and Ella, who are returning to Germany.
Last group hug! Will miss you both!
The PINK balloon  
The source of mommy's misery the whole weekend hee hee
Mommy, me and my pink balloon

Joining the dots at Fish & Co.
Up close and personal with a Chuggington train (and my pink balloon)

My bike, the stroller and my pink balloon
Alyah and Adam's birthday party
Happy 4th birthday Alyah and 2nd birthday Adam!
More balloons!
Yummy red velvet cake

Around the house
Mommy's car looong overdue bath
Meet Ash - the psycho 12-year old cat who recently gave me a 3-inch scar.
I still love you Ash!
Well, hope you liked the pics - and thank you so very much for your support!
We have more than 6000 visits to the blog as of today - hope you keep visiting!
Love, hugs, kisses!

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