Monday 30 April 2012

The Morning After

We had sports day over the weekend. Because mommy's OCD enough to send me to 2 schools at this tender age, I didn't have much clue as to what to expect since I only practised half the time.

When the day came, the teachers fed us brekky and asked us to queue. 
The bigger kids got to do the fun part and hold that white thing with the same yellow flower I have on my favourite t-shirt.

The only thing I got to hold was this girl's hand. Meanwhile the adults scrambled in front of us, overtaking and pushing each other away to capture us at our best.

After that 15 seconds of fame, we queued some more on the field. Check out the kid standing next to me sweating like crazy hee hee.

Still waiting ... 

Take an oath now ... err which hand was it again? 

Later on they whisked us into the badminton hall (finally!). After all that queueing, there was only ONE event for 3-year-olds (I will turn 3 by year end). 

Our event involved taking turns to run and dive to a pool of balls, grope for a plastic animal, stuff the finding into a box and running back to your teammates as if your life depended on it. 

There was no photo of me this time because mommy took a video and it was too long and she doesn't know how to edit it. 

Anyways ... I was the final runner, and we won! Yeay Blue Team! 

I wasn't in the picture because I found better use for the trophy.

And after all that, mommy still made me go to school on Monday morning. 

Friday 27 April 2012

Ten things to do while strapped to the car seat:

1. Take off socks and throw to driver's seat
2. Take off shoes and throw to driver's seat
3. Sprinkle milk and water to all areas within reach
4. Make hand puppets with socks after screaming to have the socks back
5. Eat and drink with hand in socks (challenging - have you tried to pick up a small biscuit with all fingers wrapped up?)
6. Make finger paintings with cream from biscuits and impress mommy with a complete sentence - "Car mommy dirty! Car mommy dirty!"
7. Attempt to take off shirt in a traffic jam and scream when head is stuck
8. Demand for "Wheels on the Bus" song throughout the journey 
9.  Throw water bottles around and demand for them while mommy tries to handle a corner
10. Fall asleep as destination approaches


I am two - I get to blast the TV volume and wake papa from his sleep and get away with it. It's that age, they say. Terrible two for you mom, terrific two for me!
I am the only child - no one to share the iPad and ALL the attention with. Not to mention overriding Wan's preferred TV channels to watch Disney Junior all day.

I am a master negotiator - let me bring the little pail you stuff my dirty clothes in to school or I won't sit in the car seat, mommy. You wouldn't want to be accused of negligence now would you?

I can have a mind of my own - If Ana Raffali can wear baju kurung and strum a guitar on stage, why can't I wear it to Subang Parade?

I am still learning - when I pooped in the toilet yesterday, mommy clapped as if I had come up with something extra-intelligent or something. Imagine, if pooping in the diapers was celebrated, I would be a rock star by now.