Friday 27 April 2012


I am two - I get to blast the TV volume and wake papa from his sleep and get away with it. It's that age, they say. Terrible two for you mom, terrific two for me!
I am the only child - no one to share the iPad and ALL the attention with. Not to mention overriding Wan's preferred TV channels to watch Disney Junior all day.

I am a master negotiator - let me bring the little pail you stuff my dirty clothes in to school or I won't sit in the car seat, mommy. You wouldn't want to be accused of negligence now would you?

I can have a mind of my own - If Ana Raffali can wear baju kurung and strum a guitar on stage, why can't I wear it to Subang Parade?

I am still learning - when I pooped in the toilet yesterday, mommy clapped as if I had come up with something extra-intelligent or something. Imagine, if pooping in the diapers was celebrated, I would be a rock star by now.

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