Friday 27 April 2012

Ten things to do while strapped to the car seat:

1. Take off socks and throw to driver's seat
2. Take off shoes and throw to driver's seat
3. Sprinkle milk and water to all areas within reach
4. Make hand puppets with socks after screaming to have the socks back
5. Eat and drink with hand in socks (challenging - have you tried to pick up a small biscuit with all fingers wrapped up?)
6. Make finger paintings with cream from biscuits and impress mommy with a complete sentence - "Car mommy dirty! Car mommy dirty!"
7. Attempt to take off shirt in a traffic jam and scream when head is stuck
8. Demand for "Wheels on the Bus" song throughout the journey 
9.  Throw water bottles around and demand for them while mommy tries to handle a corner
10. Fall asleep as destination approaches

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