Wednesday 15 August 2012

Child's Play

Taken from

Toy: An object, often a small representation of something familiar, as an animal or person, for children or others to play with; plaything.

Doll: A small figure representing a baby or other human being, especially for use as a child's toy.

Teddy: A woman's one-piece undergarment combining a chemise and underpants, sometimes having a snap crotch.
Er, not quite what I had in mind...

Oh, maybe it's this one:

Teddy bear: Often shortened to: teddy. A stuffed toy bear made from soft or fluffy material.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

Some kids have a favourite dolly that they cling on to, until those poor things lose their original physical attributes.

Although I have preferences, I love all my toys/ dollies/ teddies for various reasons:

They do not talk back or give instructions.
Instead I can line them all up and tell them to be quiet
(in fact, they listen to me ALL the time hee hee)

They are durable and don't mind a little rough play as opposed to, say ... cakes?

They come with me everywhere I go

They come in all sizes for all occasions - small ones to carry around, big ones to hug in bed.

They also come from various backgrounds ...   

Supernatural/ paranormal



Pre-historic era

They help me get through sad times ...

And never laugh at me, or my struggles while growing up.

But never complain when I ditch them during happy times

They keep me company when I have to wait ... and wait ...

And come with me should I choose to walk away.

To all my teddies and dollies, I love you.

And for the special few, I love you mostest!

You know you are special when I give you names :)

Bear gumuk and Tina Turner.  

Akhbar and Bariah 

Bella and Daphne

And of course my bestest mate of all, Soleha!  
Your master

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