Tuesday 7 August 2012

Delaying Tactics

Shh, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
These are some of my little tricks to delay doing things I do not wish like doing:

Put the wrong foot into the wrong shoe.
Well technically, I cannot be blamed, since I have yet to be introduced to the concept of left and right, hee hee.  

Talk to your favorite dolly and block out all other noises.
For more effect, hug her tightly and put up a sad/lost face if mommy's voice raises to another pitch.  

Take time to smell the flowers ...


Pretend to be a flower  

Do an Oliver Twist and ask for another cookie - come on, there must be like hundreds in those bottles, right?
Offer to clean the chairs at the restaurant. 
When better to apply the life skills learnt in school than real-life situations?

Become an intern at mommy's office.
Ahh, now I know why mommy's always at least 30 minutes late in picking me up from school - she's busy pretending to be me!   

Be scary.
A-coming papaaaaa ... (in my best Exorcist voice, and man, this I can really do)

Insist on saying good morning to ALL the fishies in the pond. 
Call them out loudly until they all come out from their hiding.  
Roll around on the ground if required.

And finally, if all else fails ...
Have a meltdown.
May risk being whisked off, but definitely worth the struggle!

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