Friday 12 October 2012

Inverse correlation - a practical application

Yesterday on our way back home in the evening ...

Mommy: Raelene, when we get home, we bathe and change into pyjamas ok?
Me: No.
Mommy: But I have presents for you.
Me: (Silent contemplation - the last time she had presents for me they turned out to be a pair of Minnie Mouse panties) 
Mommy: Raelene good girl or naughty girl?

Me: (Automated response) Good girl.
Mommy: If you're a good girl, listen to mommy and change clothes-
Me: (Informed decision) Raelene naughty girl.

When we got home, mommy HAD to get the prezzies out to entice me to bathe and change (evil laugh).

So ...
(A) Good girl: Bathe, no presents
(B) Naughty girl: Bathe, get presents

The choice is pretty obvious, isn't it? We definitely are the best negotiatiors.

And the presents turned out to be my Halloween outfit! Yeay!


Don't tell me I don't give you the creeps ...

Dora is annoyingly sunny and I demand a change of t-shirt to jive with the theme!

I eat small kids for dinner ...

Of course the good girl - bad girl - presents theory cannot be applied all the time.

Sometimes I let mommy win. Just sometimes.

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