Thursday 25 October 2012

Learning through observation

As mentioned by a well-known child development website (, mommy swears by it), it is tough being little.

You know what you want, but may not have enough vocabulary to say them out.
When you try, they turn out funny and the adults think you are cute but still have no clue.

You want to express your feelings physically but you are the smallest person in the house.
The only other living things smaller than you are the cat,  3 guppies, a climbing perch (that's ikan puyu for the layman) and Bustamam the moss ball.

You have preferences, but adults think you do not know better.
They would insist on a dress when it is Sunday and all you want to wear is your favourite pyjamas to buy groceries at Empire.

But you know, it isn't all that bad, there are always ways to get around things hee hee.

Below are the three most common things that I observe, and have learned to deal with.
In my own little way, and not all that ineffective hee hee.

1. Everything has an order or a sequence to it.

For example, arriving at school

Step 1: Enter class

Step 2: Take out tumbler and hand towel 

Step 3: Place tumbler on the table

Step 4: Hang towel on the hook 

 Step 5: Keep bag in cubicle

 Step 6: Ignore mommy's umpteenth bye-bye. You said you were running late, now go already!  

Counter measure:
Refuse to enter class.
Plaster self on the door with a sad face until mommy does everything instead.
Get a hug from teacher  

2. Nothing is free, everything has a price:

 If you want M&M's in the car, you must eat biscuits first
Counter measure:
Take just a wee bite. You did not say I have to finish it

If you want to watch Thomas, you have to bathe and brush your teeth first
Counter measure:
Spend one hour playing with soap and squirt toys
Insist on Spongebob Squarepants toothpaste
Bite on toothbrush and don't let go
Spray water on mommy, the door, and the floor to the room

3. Everything is if A, then B

If you do not sit on the bed and watch Thomas, mommy will turn off the tv
Counter measure:
Scream at the top of lungs until mommy presses the PLAY button again
Prepare crocodile tears in case needed

If you do not lie on the bed and try to sleep, mommy will turn off the tv
Counter measure:
Lie down for two seconds and then get up and play around again
Repeat until adults give up and fall asleep themselves at 9.30 p.m.

If you are noisy, Uncle Topi (an imaginary character who wears a hat and perpetually sits huddled up at our back lane and knocks on our doors) will come and ring the doorbell
Counter measure:
Call out for Uncle Topi until Wan starts to believe there really was an Uncle Topi and gets goosebumps

If you disobey papa or refuse to listen to instructions, papa will give you cold treatment
Counter measure:
Kiss his hand and say in the smallest voice you could muster, "Sorry papa ..." 

So to my fellow pre-schoolers, it's do-able, really.
Because deep down, mommy and papa know we rule!


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