Tuesday 23 April 2013

Cheers! for Charity

Good day!

Last weekend mommy's office had a charity event. The whole office ground was decorated with colors and big tents. There were many cars and people everywhere.

While that may sound like any other day being stuck in a traffic jam, this was definitely not like any other day, because the first guy we met was this:

When we got there, the man minding the stall looked at over-eager mommy suspiciously and said, "Only for kids under 12."

Hee hee.

And apparently I don't do ponies - his cheeks were too hairy.

Okay, Just a couple of pictures to justify the coupon mommy paid for.

Next stop was the car ride, which was even more fun because I had a driver!
All I had to do was control the steering wheel.


Thank you to the kind man who pushed the car all the way AND gave me a whistle and candies too!

Hm, maybe bull-riding is more of my thing.

They had a blow-up castle and a pool ball as well.

And finally, a legit reason to jump non-stop (mommy had to wrestle me off this one)

And as we were leaving, I met Shrek!
Well, a version of Shrek ... but he was cute enough!
Conclusion: I prefer ogres to ponies.

Thank you, mommy's office for the fun day and a valid reason for me to get candies, balloons, playtime and meeting ogres and animals all in one day! It sure was fun!

Till next time, I leave you with this intriguing picture.

Love love, RAZ

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Rembau Most Wanted

Happy Wednesday!

Last week mommy realized that she made me spend my month-long holiday attending CDC, my other school.

So she tried to repent by taking Wan and I back to our hometown in Negeri Sembilan.

In retaliation for separating me with my favourite Dora The Explorer DVD, I exasperated mommy by:

(i) Making funny faces to the camera

(ii) Adopting my new favourite pose in almost all pictures hee hee

As usual, there was a lot of food involved ...

Also sleeping and lazing around ...

And I get my occasional fix of live flowers
(since mommy can't germinate a green bean to save her life)

Of course my favourite toys and stuff must come along too

A trip to rumah kampung Wan and Mui Fong Restaurant was compulsory

And precisely ONE trip down to the pool just so I turn a shade browner... 

 Somehow the bathtub was a lot more fun!
At least Mommy sure thought so, playing hairstylist like that :-/.

Thank you Nek Bu for the stay, yummy breakfast and live flowers!

After 3 days this was my reaction when it was time to be re-united with Dora.
Whoo hoo! 
Have a good week!
xoxoxo RAZ

Wednesday 10 April 2013

A break from the routine

The month-long spring break is coming to an end, and it's back to Peter and Jane next week, yeay!

Let's see how I spent my holiday.

Lazing around the house (and leaving a trail of mess behind, sorry Wan)

Partied at Aiman's birthday bash

This was my birthday card to him :)

Went to mommy's office every day and had lollipops for breakfast, yum!

 Tried a hand at fashion designing (androgyny is the trend now, isn't it?)

Spent the Easter weekend at Empire buying groceries ...  

And begged for God's forgiveness when I realized I was eating a bunny rabbit - I'm so sorry bunny rabbit!

Confirmed my position as KAKAK Raelene
This is Adrean Mikhail, my baby cousin!

Uncle Mie's baby who was born yesterday 9 April 2013 - welcome to the world, baby brother!
Now you boys be nice to me, or I will be veeeeewy angwy .... 

Just kidding, I don't eat little boys don't worry :)  

 Looking forward to Peter and Jane next week - see you soon teachers and friends!