Wednesday 10 April 2013

A break from the routine

The month-long spring break is coming to an end, and it's back to Peter and Jane next week, yeay!

Let's see how I spent my holiday.

Lazing around the house (and leaving a trail of mess behind, sorry Wan)

Partied at Aiman's birthday bash

This was my birthday card to him :)

Went to mommy's office every day and had lollipops for breakfast, yum!

 Tried a hand at fashion designing (androgyny is the trend now, isn't it?)

Spent the Easter weekend at Empire buying groceries ...  

And begged for God's forgiveness when I realized I was eating a bunny rabbit - I'm so sorry bunny rabbit!

Confirmed my position as KAKAK Raelene
This is Adrean Mikhail, my baby cousin!

Uncle Mie's baby who was born yesterday 9 April 2013 - welcome to the world, baby brother!
Now you boys be nice to me, or I will be veeeeewy angwy .... 

Just kidding, I don't eat little boys don't worry :)  

 Looking forward to Peter and Jane next week - see you soon teachers and friends!

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