Monday 17 June 2013

Papa's Day 2013

Last week we had a Papa's Day Celebration at Peter and Jane.

The theme was sarong, so I wore a baju kurung.

The teachers worked hard to prepare for the celebration.

This greeted the papas as they came to be celebrated.

The highlight of the event was lining them up and making them wear sarong.  
From left - Zhi Yong's, mine, Miyako's, Gizelles', Mahsa's and Asahi's papa

Papa was asked to demonstrate how to wear a sarong.

Secure left part, secure right part, secure middle part ...
Twist for added security ...

And roll, roll, roll!

Oh, sarong had other uses too.
Papa and Zhi Yong's papa playing pondok-pondok while I watched
Craft time!

Papa mistaking the tie I handpainted for an eye-patch hehee

The coolest part of it was I had papa all to myself for the day! Woo hoo!

We continued the celebration on Sunday - the actual Papa's Day.
Papa got another present - super early morning hugs and kisses and wake up call from me!

To my papa, thank you so very much for coming to the celebration.
I love you very much and you know I listen to you more than I do mommy
*she nags, you just have to say it once hehee*.
I love it when we rumble and you tickle me silly.
I remember the things you teach me, like the word yeskeyyyy.
I thank you for shaving your beard and moustache because trust me, beard burns are such owwies.
While we fight over the TV, we compromise and I sometimes sit grudgingly through HBO while you snore through Disney.
 But most of all, you are my Papa, and I love you because you are half of me!!!
xoxoxo your little girl

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