Wednesday 27 February 2013

A weekend of variety

Happy midweek everyone!

How's your week so far? Just hang in there for 2 more days of ... 

till the weekend!

Last weekend I was kept busy setting things STRAIGHT around the house.
It is IMPERATIVE that the foot rug is kept STRAIGHT at ALL TIMES,
as should also be the case for my socks, velcro on shoes, hem of skirt, favourite pillow and everything else I lay my hands on.

I also stumbled upon this very interesting pebble.
I don't see what the fuss is about with the pink umbrella pretending to be a flower behind me.
Everyone knows rafflesia is the world's biggest bloom.

Oh, this was a first. We attended a kenduri (prayers + food) at a relative's place, and I decided to go with this look.

Then Wan decided to look like me.

Oh look, another copycat.

And finally I proved to mommy that she has nothing to worry about where my  ability to color within the lines is concerned.

 Till next time, love always!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The lions came to dance!

When Miss Adrina first told us that there was going to be a lion dance in school, I must admit I got pretty nervous. 

L-l-l-l-lions *ulp* did u say?

This ... lion?

Her instructions seemed to only support my fears: 

Instruction from Miss Adrina: 
If you get scared while watching the lions dance:
1. Close your ears; and 
2. Find Miss Adrina

Alternative exit plan:
Run out the door.
Don't forget to put on your slippers, which have been arranged for your convenience to slip on whilst you scamper to safety.

Thankfully, they came instead *whew*
Meet Wellington, a fellow Peter and Jane student (on the right) with his brother Washington.  

Their daddy owns the lion dance troupe and was kind enough to let them come dance at our school.
The baby lions 

Now that I am sure my anxiety were baseless, we waited not-so-anxiously as they prepared to enter the door ... 

Hold .... hold ...

And take it away, baby! 

I love it when they flutter their gigantic eyelids and bend over and shake their little tails.

After their amazing performance and some acrobatics involving climbing of tables and sinks (how come we are not allowed to do that?), it was photo time!

Lions and teachers

Us, teachers, Sam's daddy and decapitated lions

We were even given the chance to get up close and personal
(and this time I did not refuse!)

Guess what, they were vegetarians too! 

After the *ehem* too-adorable lions left, it was time to fight for the kams.
Thank you Chloe's mummy for the yummy fruits!

Look who's stocking up on the vitamin C hahaa

Miss Yann Ling dropped by too.
She's leaving this Saturday - will miss you Miss Yann Ling!

All in all, a great day! Thank you teachers and friends!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Gong Xi! Gong Xi! (and a bit of ophiology)

Still not too late for me to wish my Chinese friends Happy New Year! Hope you all had fun welcoming the year of the snake.

Let's learn more about the reptiles, and although mommy says she was born in the year of the snake, I have serious suspicions that she is not a snake as she so claims. Come see why:

Snakes are elongate, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears.
Mommy is round, omnivorous, and has very distinguished eyelids (and even eyebrows) and ears.

Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. No idea what most of the above sentence says.

Many species of snakes have skulls with many more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws.
I am sure she has a very thick skull, and I don't think we are related to lizards. But yeah, she sure can swallow a lot of big things like burger, fried chicken and Magnum ice cream.

To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes' paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung.
Please refer to point no. 1 on mommy's shape. Unable to verify the position of her kidneys and lungs.

Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

If I understood what pelvic, girdle, vestigal and cloaca meant, I would probably be in uni now.

Conclusion: Given the lack of common qualities shared with the reptile, Mommy is therefore not a snake.

Mommy (and me)

Now let's talk about me, and what we did during the Chinese New Year break!
 That should be more fun.

We ate, drank, and ate some more. 
Bandung lychee at Adam Ali Restaurant, yum!

Green apples somehow tasted good when eaten while lying down

Colorful sweet potato cakes

Went back to my favourite playground - rumah kampung Wan, yeay!

Check out Wan at her most vogue heheh
Climbed on a lot of coffee tables - how come we never have one at home?

Got physical

Pretended to be Mozart

Ugh ... too ... far ... can't reach ...

A can of insecticide, if used correctly, can be a powerful prop to produce good pictures

And finally, my favoritest place on earth, Empire Shopping Gallery!
I miss you cabbage!

A little room for me, please?

All in all, a good break! Sure hope yours was fun too!

Love love, RAZ

Monday 4 February 2013

2nd Parents - Teacher Conference 2013

In my kindy, if there is anything bigger than the Annual Concert, it would have to be the Parents-Teacher Conference (PTC) held twice a year.
This is the time when mommy and papa would sit together with Miss Adrina and discuss me.

That does not jive well with me simply because I like to keep my school and personal lives separate.
My folks are not supposed to be sitting together with Miss Adrina because they are two separate entities in my already busy and complicated life!

One time I sneezed and mommy said "bless you". I told her only Miss Adrina can say that. She rattled on about how it is a common expression but I am not buying that, no ma'am.

But the PTC is so big I was feeling a little nervous in the morning ...

Maybe if I hid in here they wouldn't find me, and we can forget the whole thing ...

But apparently mommy could smell me from miles away and dragged me to the bathroom.

I deliberately chose a t-shirt with the most attitude and tried to mask my apprehension ...

When we reached the school, Mahsa was there with her parents.
Mommy and papa started leafing through my books *ulp*.

Miss Yann Ling and Mrs Katherine asked me to play dolls with Mahsa, but I was too busy craning my neck to hear what they were talking about.

I suddenly wish I had a neck this long ...

When they were done, mommy and papa went to sit with Miss Adrina. I pretended to run around the class on the pretext of playing, hoping to catch a glimpse of their discussion.

Mommy and papa nodded, asked some questions and spoke some more. I tried to sit on mommy's lap but got shoo-ed off again.

I wonder what Miss Adrina had told mommy and papa, coz they were pretty nice to me afterwards.

Anyways these are some of the evaluations done on me for the past few months:

Exercises of practical life:
Finding: I am not too great at dealing with press studs, hook & eye and buckles
Implication: I get to wear loose dresses all the time, yeay!

Finding: I am also still OCD when it comes to putting on my socks
Implication: Mommy will still be late to office in the mornings hee hee

Gross motor skills:
Finding: I need to improve on my jumping, galloping, and hopping
Implication: Papa, please get me a kangaroo, a horse and a rabbit for me to practice with

Social and emotional development:
Finding: I am ok with most things except challenges
Implication: Blame mommy, she luuurrrves routines

Language development:
Finding: I make sense to others most of the time
Implication: All the more reason to be vocal, yes!

And this is the geist of my performance this semester :D

When they were done, mommy took a tour around the class to look at our artworks.

Mommy: (giggles) Why is her car so small compared to the others?
Mrs Katherine: (kindly) That's because she is still small, mommy.
Mommy: Oh, right (looking for a table to hide under)

But at the end of the day, papa and mommy told me they were very proud of me, and Miss Adrina assured that my learning would take its own pace. Maybe next time I wouldn't be too suspicious with the adults :D

So essentially it's all about having fun, right! So here's a big hug to Miss Adrina and Miss Yann Ling for the great times at kindy, love love love you!

xoxoxo, R.A.Z