Thursday 14 February 2013

Gong Xi! Gong Xi! (and a bit of ophiology)

Still not too late for me to wish my Chinese friends Happy New Year! Hope you all had fun welcoming the year of the snake.

Let's learn more about the reptiles, and although mommy says she was born in the year of the snake, I have serious suspicions that she is not a snake as she so claims. Come see why:

Snakes are elongate, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears.
Mommy is round, omnivorous, and has very distinguished eyelids (and even eyebrows) and ears.

Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. No idea what most of the above sentence says.

Many species of snakes have skulls with many more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws.
I am sure she has a very thick skull, and I don't think we are related to lizards. But yeah, she sure can swallow a lot of big things like burger, fried chicken and Magnum ice cream.

To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes' paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung.
Please refer to point no. 1 on mommy's shape. Unable to verify the position of her kidneys and lungs.

Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

If I understood what pelvic, girdle, vestigal and cloaca meant, I would probably be in uni now.

Conclusion: Given the lack of common qualities shared with the reptile, Mommy is therefore not a snake.

Mommy (and me)

Now let's talk about me, and what we did during the Chinese New Year break!
 That should be more fun.

We ate, drank, and ate some more. 
Bandung lychee at Adam Ali Restaurant, yum!

Green apples somehow tasted good when eaten while lying down

Colorful sweet potato cakes

Went back to my favourite playground - rumah kampung Wan, yeay!

Check out Wan at her most vogue heheh
Climbed on a lot of coffee tables - how come we never have one at home?

Got physical

Pretended to be Mozart

Ugh ... too ... far ... can't reach ...

A can of insecticide, if used correctly, can be a powerful prop to produce good pictures

And finally, my favoritest place on earth, Empire Shopping Gallery!
I miss you cabbage!

A little room for me, please?

All in all, a good break! Sure hope yours was fun too!

Love love, RAZ

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