Wednesday 20 February 2013

The lions came to dance!

When Miss Adrina first told us that there was going to be a lion dance in school, I must admit I got pretty nervous. 

L-l-l-l-lions *ulp* did u say?

This ... lion?

Her instructions seemed to only support my fears: 

Instruction from Miss Adrina: 
If you get scared while watching the lions dance:
1. Close your ears; and 
2. Find Miss Adrina

Alternative exit plan:
Run out the door.
Don't forget to put on your slippers, which have been arranged for your convenience to slip on whilst you scamper to safety.

Thankfully, they came instead *whew*
Meet Wellington, a fellow Peter and Jane student (on the right) with his brother Washington.  

Their daddy owns the lion dance troupe and was kind enough to let them come dance at our school.
The baby lions 

Now that I am sure my anxiety were baseless, we waited not-so-anxiously as they prepared to enter the door ... 

Hold .... hold ...

And take it away, baby! 

I love it when they flutter their gigantic eyelids and bend over and shake their little tails.

After their amazing performance and some acrobatics involving climbing of tables and sinks (how come we are not allowed to do that?), it was photo time!

Lions and teachers

Us, teachers, Sam's daddy and decapitated lions

We were even given the chance to get up close and personal
(and this time I did not refuse!)

Guess what, they were vegetarians too! 

After the *ehem* too-adorable lions left, it was time to fight for the kams.
Thank you Chloe's mummy for the yummy fruits!

Look who's stocking up on the vitamin C hahaa

Miss Yann Ling dropped by too.
She's leaving this Saturday - will miss you Miss Yann Ling!

All in all, a great day! Thank you teachers and friends!

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