Friday 30 November 2012

Early birthday prezzie!

This is me and Uncle Mie when I was a baby.

He is one cool dude because a few nights back he came over to the house, saying he wanted to drop something.

I wondered what that something could be ...  

But mommy took so long downstairs so I went to sleep in curiosity.

The next morning I woke up in anticipation ...

And I found this!!! 
Woo hoo! Misty Island Rescue train set!

You can actually unload the log from the car and the mechanism will load it back onto the car!

Check out the cable car that transports Thomas from one end to another!  

Naturally I was a happy girl when I went to school that day.

I agreed to pose under a fern tree and next to a spider lily plant ...
(and suffered more than a few mosquitio bites in the course of it)

I even did a short song and dance before my teacher came ...

And ended my performance with a bang!

Again, thank you Uncle Mie for the train set ... 

And thank you papa for assembling it!

Love love love

Monday 26 November 2012

Busy Bee

There is plenty to do around the house for a kid like me.
See if you agree :-)

Sweep and clean
It is highly advisable to cover your ears while sweeping to block out incessant instructions from mommy.

 Repair your own toy strollers
Put them through gruelling test-drives, such as running over Wan's feet repeatedly.

Become the doctor on-call
To command the respect you deserve, make everyone in the house call you Dr. Raelene.
Practice standard doctor-patient conversations with Dr. Mommy and Dr. Wan.
Many times over.

Be the resident clown
Play peek-a-boo in the doctor's room to break out the tension of listening to the diagnosis.

Consider hatter a career option
Could plastic be the new fabric?

Do grocery shopping
Help pull the basket and demand a reward later.

Woo hoo my first snow globe!
(Ok this one broke and the replacement also broke ... I'll pull some more baskets ok mommy) 

Go for a walk in the rain
I do not comprehend the need for the hat though. And I need some trendy rubber boots.

After all that work, let's take a break and have a much needed siesta!

 Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

PnJ Concert 31st Annual Concert 2012

A little late, but here are some of the photos from the Peter and Jane concert held last month as promised!
 (All photos belong to the professional photographer but we are buying the original copies :D).

First, Miyako came out for an intro.

The big kids - Mayuko, Rina, Ayano and Tomoya became the big cats.

The kitties played around, then it was time for them to snooze.

Move over, it's our time to play!
Me and Johann telling the time on Tomoya's body clock

Shh the cats are sleeping ... and the mice come out to ...
Ella really looking like a little mouse, don't u think?

Shake a tail feather, baby!

Twist, roll and air guitar time!
Ying Yue taking the centre stage

Hm, separuh aku, literally?
Hiroto the boy mouse
 Ok the tutu is starting to itch
Suzuha doing the twist

Eeeettt-chyyyyyy ....

Ok ok just one solo pose for the camera :)

And yeay, it's the finale!

 Hope you liked the pictures!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Why we love public holidays

It's Deepavali yesterday and Maal Hijrah tomorrow - translated: public holidays yeay!

Although I still wake up at 6am, holidays are great because I do not have to bathe early and I have plenty of time to amuse myself.

This was how I spent the breaks.

Watch Uncle Ariel to understand why I am made to listen to Separuh Aku everyday in the car
After 2000 times of listening to the song, I can actually sing it now.

This is how it goes:
Dengar lalakuuuu
Suala hati ini memanggil namamu
Kerna sepaluuhh aaaakuuu
Dilimuuu ...

I also helped out with the house chores:

I discovered the percussionist in me:

And although I still cannot color within the lines, I tapped into my other creative-artistic side - headdressing.

Anyways, I would like to wish a very Happy Deepavali to all friends celebrating ...

 and a Happy New Year to all Muslim friends.

Have a good and safe holiday!
Love R.A.Z