Wednesday 14 November 2012

Why we love public holidays

It's Deepavali yesterday and Maal Hijrah tomorrow - translated: public holidays yeay!

Although I still wake up at 6am, holidays are great because I do not have to bathe early and I have plenty of time to amuse myself.

This was how I spent the breaks.

Watch Uncle Ariel to understand why I am made to listen to Separuh Aku everyday in the car
After 2000 times of listening to the song, I can actually sing it now.

This is how it goes:
Dengar lalakuuuu
Suala hati ini memanggil namamu
Kerna sepaluuhh aaaakuuu
Dilimuuu ...

I also helped out with the house chores:

I discovered the percussionist in me:

And although I still cannot color within the lines, I tapped into my other creative-artistic side - headdressing.

Anyways, I would like to wish a very Happy Deepavali to all friends celebrating ...

 and a Happy New Year to all Muslim friends.

Have a good and safe holiday!
Love R.A.Z

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