Monday 26 November 2012

Busy Bee

There is plenty to do around the house for a kid like me.
See if you agree :-)

Sweep and clean
It is highly advisable to cover your ears while sweeping to block out incessant instructions from mommy.

 Repair your own toy strollers
Put them through gruelling test-drives, such as running over Wan's feet repeatedly.

Become the doctor on-call
To command the respect you deserve, make everyone in the house call you Dr. Raelene.
Practice standard doctor-patient conversations with Dr. Mommy and Dr. Wan.
Many times over.

Be the resident clown
Play peek-a-boo in the doctor's room to break out the tension of listening to the diagnosis.

Consider hatter a career option
Could plastic be the new fabric?

Do grocery shopping
Help pull the basket and demand a reward later.

Woo hoo my first snow globe!
(Ok this one broke and the replacement also broke ... I'll pull some more baskets ok mommy) 

Go for a walk in the rain
I do not comprehend the need for the hat though. And I need some trendy rubber boots.

After all that work, let's take a break and have a much needed siesta!

 Have a great week everyone!

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