Thursday 8 November 2012

Cousinly time

I have, so far, 4 first cousins from papa's side of the family: Izad, Aishah, Betty, and Is (not in picture).
 (1 more coming soon, yeay Pak Long and Mak Long!). 

No first cousins from mommy's side coz she's the only child, but I probably have 200 second cousins.
Just kidding hehee.

Last weekend we went to Auntie Leen's, one of mommy's 3 closest cousins apart from Mak Ngah and Mak Su .

From left: Aqil, Auntie Leen, Uncle Fairoze, Afif and Alif.

We had fun playing legos.

Me, Aqil and a lot of pillows.

Me and Alif roughing it up and then faking it for the camera.

A town planner who prefers low-rise building

Wow, I didn't know my eyes could light up like a kitty's!

 I guess Wan enjoyed the visit too, judging from her looks.

Thank you Auntie Leen and Uncle Fairoze for having us!

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