Monday 30 July 2012

Is pink the new black?

The first semester of kindy ended last week.

We had theme day, and this time the theme was no school uniform, yeay!

For those of you who knew mommy, you would probably recall that she simultaneously loves black and hates pink religiously.

And that if it had been all up to her, I would have been named Skylar or Aurora ,or Ryder or Zephyr if I was a boy.

As evidenced by these photographs, she has been imposing her color preference upon me on numerous occasions.

So naturally, when she showed me the new dress for theme day,
this was my reaction:

For what it's worth, the dress is actually fuchsia, but the damage is done and mommy has lost her battle to keep me wrapped in black hee hee.

Do I like or hate pink? We'll just have to wait and see about that :-)

Tuesday 24 July 2012

It's all in the genes

Basic equation:
Papa + mommy = ME

Scientific fact :

A gene is the basic unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make the component molecules of the cell.

Every person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Most genes are the same in all people, but a small number of genes (less than 1 percent of the total) are slightly different between people. Alleles are forms of the same gene with small differences in their sequence of DNA bases. These small differences contribute to each person’s individuality.


Real-life proof:

Event: Report Card Day
Venue: Kindy

Miss Adrina: Basically she is doing okay in school. She's fine.
Papa & mommy: (grin hopefully)
Miss Adrina: But, she can be a bit slow ...
Papa & mommy: (raised eyebrows)
Miss Adrina: No, not that kind of slow. Physically. She takes her time when we call her, and she takes 5 minutes to wash her hands ...
Papa: (turns to mommy) I know where that comes from.
Miss Adrina: Academically she is okay, and her retention is good. She knows her numbers, shapes and colors ...
Papa & mommy: (grinning again)
Miss Adrina: But she's not so into reading. She's more ...
Papa: Visual, that would be me hee hee.
Miss Adrina: Yes, try to do more reading activities, not so much TV or iPad ...
Papa & mommy: (nodding thoughfully)
Miss Adrina: But, her motor skills need to improve, like hopping and galloping. Oh, and she cannot catch ...
Papa: (turns to mommy) She's turning into you!

Mommy's lazy bones

Mommy's butterfingers?

Papa's preference for all things visual and numerical

 Will definitely need to work on those alleles thingy to stamp my individuality!

Monday 23 July 2012

The Artist


This is Ms Raelene Sharp. She is an Australian painter.

According to her website, she has always been fascinated by the use of light in her works and 
"... the use of light is one of the most compelling qualities of a painting."

These are some of her beautiful works:

Meet me, Miss Round Rosy Cheeks.

Here are among my most celebrated artworks to date:
(These were produced circa Jan - Mar 2012 at kindy)

As you can tell, I do not limit my artistic expressions to any particular medium or subject.
I also like to experiment with vibrant colors and different materials so I could exploit the different sides of my abilities.

During my current semester of Apr - July 2012, I have produced, among others, these pieces:

Thank you to Miss Adrina and Miss Yann Ling for teaching me to have fun with art and colors!

Altough I am nowhere near the great talents of my namesake Ms Raelene Sharp (yet), I believe I am definitely more artistically inclined than mommy.

See what I mean?

Friday 20 July 2012

Selamat Berpuasa!

That's how mommy would look when she cannot eat.

On behalf of my family, I would like to wish everyone a happy blessed Ramadhan.

I would still be demanding my milk, brekky, lunch, dinner and snacks on time, but I would try my best to minimize conflicts and confrontations.

This is because I would expect the adults in the house to be looking like this most of the time:

And having this in their heads:

And saying this over and over:

And doing this a lot:

And come dinner time they would turn to these:

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak, love from me!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Beep beep!

Most of the time, my playground is mommy's car.

This is because we take 30 minutes to get to kindy in the morning, 15 minutes to daycare in the afternoon and up to 1 hour to get home in the evenings.

These are among the things I learnt being in the car:

Mommy would point to a car and ask what color it is. She has finally stopped asking because I got bored and would deliberately say the wrong color. Of course I can name these colors:

Clockwise from top: Bwu, pik, white, eyyow, geen and yed.

See, I told you I knew my colors!

Different types of vehicles
I feel it is my obligation to alert mommy everytime I see a bus, lorry, moto, twactor, twain or o-plane passing by. And considering we live near the airport, highway and the rail lines, she does get alerted a lot hee hee.


On the way to school, I would see a Pizza Hut, the airport and a lot of broken aeroplanes waiting to be fixed.

In the afternoon, this would be my destination:

Opis mommy
On the way back, this would be my favourite:


So for a change, after being a passenger for the past 2.5 years, last Friday mommy let me drive instead.

Although Mr Paddington looked curiously like Mr Piggington, he was a good sport and let me be his taxi driver for the evening. 

Can't wait to get my driver's licence!

Thursday 12 July 2012

Things that make me go ooh!

A LOT of things can make a kid excited. Of course there's the usual toys, dollies, ice cream, cartoons ...  but these are just some things that are my pet favourites:

1. House keys - they are fun to hide. And whenever mommy loses them, Wan will have to put her evening routine on hold and wait to open the door for me.
Nothing beats having things my way hee hee.

2. Office ID tag - There's just something about the coarse material hanging around your neck, and that square piece of plastic bouncing between your legs when you walk.

3. Water bottles - because they hold water, which is a lot of fun in itself.
Once I'm done drinking, I can give my shirt, my toys and mommy's shirt drinks too. 
Plus they have strings that I can put around my neck (refer item 2).

4. Wide open spaces - Freeeeeeedoommmmmmm!!!!!!

5. Kitties - and doggies, and birds, and squirrels if it was up to me!

6. Photography - check out these artistic shots I took myself :-)