Monday 23 July 2012

The Artist


This is Ms Raelene Sharp. She is an Australian painter.

According to her website, she has always been fascinated by the use of light in her works and 
"... the use of light is one of the most compelling qualities of a painting."

These are some of her beautiful works:

Meet me, Miss Round Rosy Cheeks.

Here are among my most celebrated artworks to date:
(These were produced circa Jan - Mar 2012 at kindy)

As you can tell, I do not limit my artistic expressions to any particular medium or subject.
I also like to experiment with vibrant colors and different materials so I could exploit the different sides of my abilities.

During my current semester of Apr - July 2012, I have produced, among others, these pieces:

Thank you to Miss Adrina and Miss Yann Ling for teaching me to have fun with art and colors!

Altough I am nowhere near the great talents of my namesake Ms Raelene Sharp (yet), I believe I am definitely more artistically inclined than mommy.

See what I mean?

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