Friday 6 July 2012

Tanabata and kimono

Today we had the Tanabata celebration in kindy.

According to Miss Adrina, it's the star/ wishing festival. According to Wiki, well it's a lot more complicated so we shall stick to the star/ wishing/ 7th day of the 7th month festival version.

As usual mommy had no clue and made me wear uniform.

However, Kana my friend was kind enough to lend me her red kimono! And best of all, her mommy let me keep it!

Thank you very much Kana and Kana's mommy!

Here are some fun things I did in my new red kimono today.

Sit on the table

Strangle ... err I mean carry the kitty 

 Wish for world peace

Have a wardrobe malfunction ... oops.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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