Tuesday 24 July 2012

It's all in the genes

Basic equation:
Papa + mommy = ME

Scientific fact :

A gene is the basic unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make the component molecules of the cell.

Every person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Most genes are the same in all people, but a small number of genes (less than 1 percent of the total) are slightly different between people. Alleles are forms of the same gene with small differences in their sequence of DNA bases. These small differences contribute to each person’s individuality.

Source: http://wiki.medpedia.com/Genes

Real-life proof:

Event: Report Card Day
Venue: Kindy

Miss Adrina: Basically she is doing okay in school. She's fine.
Papa & mommy: (grin hopefully)
Miss Adrina: But, she can be a bit slow ...
Papa & mommy: (raised eyebrows)
Miss Adrina: No, not that kind of slow. Physically. She takes her time when we call her, and she takes 5 minutes to wash her hands ...
Papa: (turns to mommy) I know where that comes from.
Miss Adrina: Academically she is okay, and her retention is good. She knows her numbers, shapes and colors ...
Papa & mommy: (grinning again)
Miss Adrina: But she's not so into reading. She's more ...
Papa: Visual, that would be me hee hee.
Miss Adrina: Yes, try to do more reading activities, not so much TV or iPad ...
Papa & mommy: (nodding thoughfully)
Miss Adrina: But, her motor skills need to improve, like hopping and galloping. Oh, and she cannot catch ...
Papa: (turns to mommy) She's turning into you!

Mommy's lazy bones

Mommy's butterfingers?

Papa's preference for all things visual and numerical

 Will definitely need to work on those alleles thingy to stamp my individuality!

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