Wednesday 12 December 2012

Girls' Day Out

Another public holiday yesterday, yeay!

Mommy and I decided to become mall rats for the evening.

Since Christmas is all about sharing and caring, they had giant styrofoam hearts around the mall.
Mommy said she doesn't do pink hearts but this happened to be the better shot.

There were tonnes of christmas trees for sale too.
I thought the ball ornaments were so yummy I wanted to bite them all! 

After walking around, we moved on to the actual objective of going to the mall - grocery shopping.
Wow you all are so obedient to be lining up like that.
Wake up and swim now!
Err, fishies?

I chattered my teeth at the frozen section ...

 While mommy lost her list and tried to apply memory by association.
Butter - no.
Margarine - just got that last week.
Cheese - nobody eats that in the house.
Yoghurt drink - can't be, too healthy.
Um, ok baby this is going to take some time ...  
It's bad enough that I had to share my personal space with bags of oranges and onions.
Next time please remember to bring those recycleable shoppping bags okay.

Finally, after combing the supermarket aisles and mission accomplished, it was time to eat!
About time if you asked me, Teddy was starting to look very yummy

While waiting for our food, mommy thought it would be fun to do self-portrait but neither of us was good at making duck faces.
(Mommy's too old, I am too young hahaa)

So we decided to look like ourselves instead.

I thought they turned out alright, what do you think?

Have a good day everyone! 

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