Monday 3 December 2012

Weekend Wanderings

I spent my Saturday on the road.

First, we travelled down to Seremban for Wan to buy her medicines at this particular pharmacy in a ghetto-looking neighbourhood.

But the ghetto-looking area had a fabulous toy shop (as recommended by Auntie Cahaya) and I managed to snatch this at a good bargain!

My first guitar! Woo hoo!
Wan was a little iffed with the color combination and thought it was too K-pop.
Location: Nek Bib's house. We gate-crashed to say hello.

See the three buttons?
The first one on the left lights the guitar up.
The second one plays the song 9 p.m. (Till I Come) by ATB (how cool is that?)
The third button blares out a song no one could make out and drives everyone nuts.
Oh, and the best thing is you cannot adjust the volume.
Now that rocks hee hee.

Next we drove further down south to Pedas where Mak Su lives and Mak Ngah comes home to.
Pedas in Malay literally means hot (like chilli).
I am still wondering how the place got its name since  the air tasted quite alright, I didn't have to drink too much water :).  

In Pedas we got up close and personal with Kim, Mak Su's male Persian.
Under normal circumstances he would flee at the sight of strangers.

However, Kim was nice enough when we were there.
He actually let me pet him and sat with us while we chatted.

I wonder what is under that bushy tail.  
After a while Kim got bored. 

And while the adults chatted non-stop like there was no tomorrow ...  

I got to wear Wan's Kardashian-ish indoor slippers.

And made monster faces at Mommy for being such a paparazzi.

 When it crossed her mind, Wan remembered me and paid me some attention ...

Otherwise I could pout and sulk and they wouldn't even notice.

When it was late evening, mommy said it was time to go.  

We said our bye-byes to Mak Ngah, Mak Su, Pak Ngah, Pak Su and of course Tok Long.

And not forgetting Kim the emo cat.

Thank you for having us!

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