Monday 10 December 2012

All Things Malaysian

I am proud to say I did some pretty Malaysian things over the weekend.
They included:

1. Saying hi to one of the many kitties by the sidewalk.
The poor kitty had a wound, but she was quite nice despite her condition.

Unlike this kid-hating cranky monster we have at home. 

2. Having breakfast at a mamak restaurant while waiting for mommy's car to be washed.
Me super happy after eating roti canai koyak-banjir-dhal-tak mau-sambal and teh o ais!

3. Hogging seats (hee hee ok so not ALL Malaysians hog seats :-D)
while waiting for Wan at the doctor's office ...

And while waiting for pizza too.
Oh btw, Pizza Hut gives out great crayons, they actually color well.
Which was why I decided to color my pizza blue.

4. Eating out 
(while jostling with a gazillion other families who also eat out on weekends) 

 And finally ...

5. Snapping pictures of and with Christmas trees.
We can never get enough of them can we? The whiter/ wintery the better :D

Have a great week ahead!


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