Friday 21 December 2012

2012 - the year that was ... 2013 here we come!

2012 has been an interesting year. Let's see what happened ...

January 2012
And my early education begins at the tender age of 2 years and 5 days 
Smiling between tears for the first few days ...

February 2012
My other school
First public performance during Parent-Teacher Day - no clue whatsoever
March 2012  
Peter and Jane Parent-Teacher Day
Showed mommy and papa my artwork collection yeay!

Last day at gym class - thanx for the work out!
Bye Miss Yasmin!  

April 2012
First Sports Day at CDC - we are the champions, my friends ...

May 2012
First owwie ;(
No more hospital stays, hopefully

 Theme Day - Animals
Became a bunny for the day in school

June 2012
Singapore Trip
    My first Singapore trip, yeay!  
     Theme Day - Plants
    You bet I was the only cactus in class!

July 2012
Beaking the tradition
There's always the first pink dress, mommy 

Judgment Day at Peter and Jane
Ok let's be reeeeaaalll nice to papa now ...
Hey I didn't do too badly hehe
 Big girl now
Ditched the car seat - woo hoo hoo!

August 2012
Thomas came to town, yeay!

    Hari Raya 2012
    Traditional costumes all the way

    Merdeka Day
    Little Miss Patriotic 
    September 2012
Theme Day - Insects
Got my first pair of butterfly/ fairy wings
Baskin Robbins rule!
Raya gathering at CDC
October 2012
The biggest event of the year - Peter and Jane 31 Annual Concert!

I was a purple haired witch - wicked enough?
November 2012
Early birthday prezzie
Awesome Misty Island set

Celebrated Children's Day in school 

And more fun playing with friends!

December 2012
 Christmas party at Peter and Jane
Me and my girlfriends

Loitering at malls to embrace the holiday spirit

And off to CDC for the few weeks in December!
We'll be off for a short break next week ... and I will turn 3 in a week's time!

So here's wishing all friends and families a very Merry Christmas, a great holiday and a Happy New Year 2013!
Thank you very much for spending some time reading :D

Looking forward to your continuous support and visits!
Love, hugs and kisses,

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